Thursday, February 16, 2012

Bye, Bye Bunions week 6

When I started down this road I thought I would be ready for surgery number two by this week.  Now I know I was wrong.  Today felt like a victory.  I went to the local town, visited my mom, drove to my son's office and picked up the grandchildren and transported them to school.  Afterward I returned to the office for a treatment and returned home.  I felt like such a winner because I had accomplished all of this wearing a tennis shoe on Lucie!  And I have continued to wear the same shoe all day long.  I stayed awake all day with no nap.  I AM making progress.  But there is no way that I am ready for a repeat on Rosie.  Lucie is not ready to bear all the weight while Rosie takes a break.  As of now de ja vu will take place in late March.  That is if everything goes as planned.  The way I feel tonight, it should be right on schedule.  I am putting fifty percent of weight on my left foot when I walk.  Next week it will move to 75% and the last week I will work my way up to 100%.  I look forward to walking 'normal' again.

I have to smile when I am with two of my grandchildren.  The same two children that 'Grammie-sat' with me that first weekend.  Each time we walk I see them limping exactly as I do.  It is really cute, and I encourage them to be themselves.  I'll be glad when I walk with a normal gait so they will as well.

Other than that, I don't have much else to report on bunion surgery.  I am pleased with the progress and look forward to a repeat performance in about six weeks.

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